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Professionals are certified by their skills

About the Lab

The Lab is a platform which was established to offer professional consultancy services and mentorship programs to all. Our primary focus and area of interest are in Science and Technology.




NOTTECH LAB is open to all people irrespective of their background and level of education. We believe that all people have the right to pursue their interests and giving this opportunity to people is one way of supporting them. We bring Learners and Industrial experts to share experience, learn and grow together.


"To build a society of world-class professionals who are certified by their skills and the ability to deliver quality work."



  • Quality and trusted mentorship program

  • Quality and affordable solutions

  • Exposure to industrial experience

  • Opportunity to learn and master new skills

  • Networking opportunity with industrial experts

  • Opportunity to work on paying projects and with organizations.

  • Working together to provide solutions to our communities



Mentorship program

We offer mentorship programs that will help advance your skills to professional levels and compete both locally and internationally. Our programs prepare you to work as a professional and competent Software Engineer


Business Meeting

ICT Consultancy

We are a team of experts with different Tech skills and backgrounds. We work together to address problems that need Software Engineering solutions. Our expertise will guarantee you a quality service and delivery of your project in time and at the lowest costs possible.


Excel in communicating efficiently (EXCEF) using our bulk SMS and reporting service

The whole mentorship program is geared towards learning by doing whereby our engineers get to build a professional profile and portfolio by engaging them in practical works and real projects. There are different projects that are currently developed by the Lab including EXCEF.


EXCEF is a service that will allow a user/business to manage and send bulk messages to multiple customers per click. Some of the advantages of using this service include:

  • Users can send bulk messages to multiple customers/click

  • Organize recipients in groups based on the user's criteria

  • Manage multiple accounts from single login credentials

  • Generate custom reports, including statistical reports for your Survey/campaign

  • A user can use/integrate multiple SMS providers thus increasing users' availability to their targeted recipients.

  • Perform a review cycle for each message that is created by a team before sending them







The growing popularity of the cloud (Virtual servers) fuelled DevOps popularity even more. If you want to master a skill that bridges the gap between Software Development and Systems Operations, join the lab and get exposed to this awesome skill.


Skills to be learned

  • Fundamentals of DevOps & where it fits in the Software Development Life Cycle

  • Master the art of command-line

  • Networking Concepts that are crucial for DevOps

  • Virtualization & Configuration management

  • Build management & Automation

  • Continuous integration & Continuous Delivery/Deployment

  • Monitoring & logging of Applications

  • And more ...


Frontend Engineering

Frontend JavaScript frameworks offer the most powerful tools to create large and complex web applications which offers the best user experience and scalability of the application. The Lab offers solutions and a learning platform for the aspiring frontend engineers to work together, deliver solutions and grow together.



  • HTML, CSS and Javascript

  • Typescript as a language of Frontend Applications

  • Front End Application development

  • Introduction to Frontend Application

  • Integration of Frontend Interaction with APIs

  • Professional Tests writing for Web Application

  • Advanced Concept in JS

  • Mobile application with JS frameworks

  • And more ...



Python is arguably one of the simplest languages to learn and this is largely attributed to its syntax and descriptive nature. Python is a powerful general-purpose programming language with applications ranging from simple automation scripts to web applications and data science.



  • A beginner's introduction to python

  • Application of python in building Command line application

  • Python for automation scripts

  • Building web application using Python frameworks (Flask, Django, etc)

  • Advanced python

  • Application of python creating data science solutions

  • And more ...


Data science

Data science process involves data collection and extracting pattern of information from collected data. Data is the new Gold, having data science skills puts you in a valuable position to offer meaningful solutions to people.



  • Beginner's introduction to data science

  • Machine learning techniques, principal application domain

  • Application of data science in building real-life solutions

  • Data analysis and statistics

  • Machine learning and Deep learning

  • Deployment  of AI models

  • Coding for data science

  • And more ...



PHP is arguably still one of the preferred choice for building web application. Laravel framework is the leading PHP framework and widely used to build professional web application. Join the lab today for a lifetime experience and up your game in building PHP based web applications using Laravel.



  • Functional programming with PHP

  • Object Oriented Programming with PHP

  • MVC pattern for web application development

  • Relational Databases Planning and Development

  • Foundation API and RestFull API

  • RestFull API Development with Laravel

  • Security for web application

  • Professional Code writing (PSR- standard

  • Test Driven Development

  • Agile software engineering

  • And more ....



Softskills and Tech/Hard Skills are two sides of the same coin (Professionalism). Without the other you can not be termed nor can you be certified as a Professional. Softskills means the ability to work, communicate your work, and build relationships with stakeholders. Softskills are at the core of all our operations.



  • Communication

  • Critical thinking

  • Leadership

  • Teamwork

  • work ethics

  • And more....



We operate as a virtual office and all our services are distributed. We rely on automated services and cloud services in all our operations. You will be able to join the mentorship program from any place around the globe. 


We enforce learning, in teams formed within a stacks/project. This gives an opportunity for you to learn and practice leadership skills,  collaboration and build long life working relationships with other colleagues.


Our mentorship programs offer exposure to what is happening in the Industry by bringing learners and Industrial experts to share experience, learn, grow together and deliver value to all our Apprentices.


 Do you have a PC 

 Do you have access to internet 

 Do you believe you can code 

You have a passion for tech 

Submit Application

 Choose one of our programs 

Get shortlisted for

self coding challenge

 Join our open workspace 

 Join a team while in 

 Contribute to a project 

 Teamwork  wins you a chance 

Contribute to an open source project

 You own your work 

 Good team player 

 Learned 1 or more things 


Join us
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